โททาล อโซล่า แซสเอส 68 (Total Azolla ZS 68)

หมวดหมู่สินค้า: TOTAL
Hydraulic Oil Group II (Premium Grade)

17 มีนาคม 2566

ผู้ชม 2866 ผู้ชม


• Hydraulic systems operating in high temperature and pressure conditions. 
• Bearings and miscellaneous devices.



       Reinforced protection of the equipment thanks to anti-wear and anticorrosion properties. Considerable service life for the fluid and preventing deposits, ensured by thermal stability and resistance to oxidation. Filterability even in the presence of water.


ISO VG : 68



ISO 11158 HM 
• DIN 51524-2 HLP Eaton I-286S, M-2950S 
• Denison HF0, HF1, HF2


SIZE : 208 Liters

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